Freshmen Aggies Spreading Tradition
Life in FAST
What we do:
FAST is a social-service Freshmen Leadership Organization at Texas A&M. Our motto is ‘FAST is FAM’ and we pride ourselves in the fact that this organization will give you friends that will last a lifetime. We participate in a variety of events that are geared toward building friendships, enhancing leadership, serving our community and upholding tradition. There is no doubt in our minds that you will come out of FAST with some clout. Once inducted into FAST culture, you will undoubtedly make friends of a lifetime. There are a variety of events that are geared toward building friendships, enhancing leadership ability, and serving the community.
FAST holds multiple retreats throughout the year that are extravagantly fun and very rewarding. These are some of the best opportunities to make the friends that you will hold close for years to come. Many members say the foundation of relationships with their best friends were made at these events. Some of them range from one night, others are for a whole weekend. Some are mandatory, some are optional, but one thing is for sure is that they will all help you have the time of your life.
FAST has weekly meetings on Mondays at 8:30pm in Rudder Tower. These are interactive and fun meetings that keep everyone updated on current FAST affairs as well as upcoming events and activities being held throughout the year. Frequently these meetings are composed of insightful and accredited speakers which engage our members in exciting and knowledgeable topics.
Once you join FAST, you will have the chance to be a part of one of the six amazing committees that are available. You can find out more about each one, as well as the leaders of each by taking a peek under the staff/committees tab.​
Each committee is in charge of their own specific freshmen organized and run activities throughout the year. Some of the big events that FAST does every year include High School Leadership Conference (FASTrack to Aggieland), Big Give, Rock the Ring Program where we raise money and give away Aggie Rings, Fall/Winter/Spring Retreats to various places, Shack-a-thon, Relay for Life, and many other fun and exciting events!