FAST is Family

The motto of FAST is "FAST is Fam". This is something that FAST as an organization takes to heart. There is a huge empthasis on continuity after your year in FAST comes to an end. This is done in large part due to the Big Little Program. There are FASTies all over campus. You can see them in numerous men's/women's organizations, sororities, fish camp counselors and co-chairs, and many academic focused organizations. FAST is family and family is forever!

Just because the time for many before you has come to an end in FAST, doesn't mean you won't still have the opportunity to get to know them. This will also be true when your time in FAST comes to an end and you will have the ability to continue impacting the lives of incoming Freshmen. We are so excited to be able to welcome you into this amazing family and can not wait to see the things you accomplish in your time here at Aggieland.